C.H. Josten (editor): Elias Ashmole (1617-1692), 1966



ASHMOLE, Elias – Conrad [‘Kurt’] Hermann Hubertus Maria Apollinaris JOSTEN (editor) and Margaret Alice HENNINGS (index). Elias Ashmole (1617-1692). His Autobiographical and Historical Notes, his Correspondence, and Other Contemporary Sources Relating to his Life and Work. Volume I. Biographical Introduction [– II: Texts 1617-1660; –III: Texts 1661-1672; –IV: Texts 1673-1701; –V: Index]. Oxford: Vivian Ridler at Oxford University Press for Clarendon Press, 1966.

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Full description and further images on our main website (opens in new window): C.H. Josten (editor): Elias Ashmole (1617-1692), 1966